kneading bread

kneading bread

Monday, November 16, 2015

The Antithesis of Faith, Hope, and Love

Let you who have eyes, see! And you that have ears, hear!

"Greed has poisoned men’s souls, has barricaded the world with hate, has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical. Our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery we need humanity. More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost....

To those who can hear me, I say - do not despair. The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed - the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish. .....

In the 17th Chapter of St Luke it is written: “the Kingdom of God is within man” - not one man nor a group of men, but in all men! In you! You, the people have the power - the power to create machines. The power to create happiness! You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure."

- Charlie Chaplain; an excerpt from "The Great Dictator" (1940)

"You have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure." Why? Nay, how, could one human being deny such freedom and beauty and happiness to another human being?  How can you allow fear to so possess you that you would even have the ability to dehumanize another, even a child; to shut the door in their face, and ignore who they are? That is not love!  Such action denies Faith. Such belief denies Hope. Such participation refuses to see love, to protect it, and to help it to thrive.

Look now, and see.  Who stands in the place of Christ?  Will you allow yourself to be ruled by men, or by the love of God? Will you allow yourself to see Christ in the face of the one you call "other," "stranger," "dangerous  unknown"?

Go! Seek! Search your hearts! Desire to fall within the all encompassing embrace the heart of God!

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